Saturday, February 25, 2006

March Madness Contest!!!

Hunting Diana, my erotic paranormal romance, will be released in July. To celebrate, I'm building a page on my website devoted to the Vampires of Mina's Cove. Hunting Diana is Lucian's story, but you'll also meet three other vampires who will have their stories told. Four months until publication, four hunky vampires.

Finding a dark, sensual man to represent each vampire isn't easy. Help me out. Send me your hunks, your studs, your eye candy. While I would rather imagine how endowed they are, I'm quite open to bun shots. Just remember to include another with their face in your entry. Looks will matter!

Starting March 1st, I'll open each month with a description of that month's vampire. Post a picture that matches my description. Someone you think portrays every woman's dream vampire. Maybe you'll find a studly vampire on the web. Maybe he's the love of your life and this is your chance to show him off! Maybe the love of your life was a hottie years ago. Mine was. Rummage through those old pictures. Here's my love when we first married.

God, this picture still turns me on. Ok...where was I?

Oh, my contest. Since this month's contest will help us get through the last month of winter, I'm calling it the March Madness Contest.

So lets gear up for a great spring. Come back on March 1st for the first Vampires description. Each person who posts a picture will get an entry into the March Madness Contest. The winner will receive a box of Godiva chocolate!

Happy hunting!!!

And now for a poem...Mina's Prophecy.

When stars burst free from sunlight's glare,
The moon regains its throne in air
The creatures of the night then whisper,
Our future changed when Dracula kissed her
The beast who once would kill for fun,
Gave up his life so she could run
God's Angels touched by love so pure,
Bestowed a gift of life secured
And now his children who once were wild,
In Mina's Cove live meek and mild
And blood still holds a strong attraction,
But only when combined with passion
It is foretold a woman scorned
Shall risk it with a trusting pawn
A rose so pure, a rose so white
Will blind him with its brilliant light
If two do not unite as one,
We all will lose what we have won

Copyright 2006 Doreen Orsini



At 2:16 PM, Blogger Caffey said...

Hi Doreen! I haven't had the joy of reading any of your books yet, but I read your blog here some and perked up with hearing about your vamp series coming up! I'd love to read more a bout them! Do you have a newsletter so readers can know to come back to your blog and too to know when the books are out?
Also I was looking for a link to your website. Sometimes when I do a search for an author, their blog comes up more than the website, smile.
Nice meeting you!

At 11:21 PM, Blogger Doreen Orsini said...

Hi Cathie,

Thanks. Didn't realize I had no link on my blog to my site. Silly me! My newsletter will come out shortly to the members of my group. Look for the yahoo box to subscribe!



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